
Bringing UH's musicians together.

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This page documents Mox Amber’s project: Sessh. The site is updated regularly as the project is still in development.

Table of Contents


What Is Sessh?

Let’s say you need a drummer for your band, looking for someone to teach you how to learn certain chord pattern, or just want some people to jam with. Finding other individuals who wish to pursue musical related goals can be difficult, especially when there is no reliable resource to do so. That’s were Sessh comes in, we hope to develop a web application dedicated to cultivating a network of students who are musically inclined and enrolled at a University of Hawaii affiliated school.

How Will it Work?

We are aiming to provide the fundamental tools necessary to bring students together so that they can arrange organized meet ups for anyone interested. We will first start with a CRUD(create, read, update, and delete) based design for our initial tools including:

  • Creation of profiles including descriptions such as musical interests, goals, skills, etc.
  • Profiles will contain access to musical works they produced with links to other work they were involved in.
  • Full browsing with dedicated filtering capabilities where a user can search for others based on information listed on their profiles.
  • Adding people to your regular sessions list.
  • Notifications based on search terms.

Along with the feature suite, there will be a dedicated group of ‘super-users’ with admin capabilities that ensure the website adheres to our applications policy.


If you would like to see our application in action you can visit our live site.

User Guide

The following is a walkthrough of the application.

Landing Page

When visiting the site, a user is greeted with our landing page describing the purpose of the application.

A user can log in by clicking the link in the upper right corner.

Log In

When logging in, the user is taken to the log in page where they can enter their information.

Sign Up

If a user does not have an account they can either signup through the link in the login dropdown

or the login page itself.

User Dashboard

After signing in the user is taken to their dashboard where they can view people within their network and edit their profile.

Edit Profile

If the user wants to update or change their account, they will be taken to their edit profile page.

Search Page

The search page lets users discover and filter musicians based on their preferences.

Add Musician

A user can add a musician to the database.

Signing Out

A user can sign out from the same dropdown the used to log in and will be taken to the sign out page for confirmation that the action was a success.

Admin Page

An admin page is given that shows the list of all musicians and their information.

Developer Guide

Download to local machine

Using github repository, click on Code to clone the repository into Github Desktop. This will open up Github Desktop and allow you to view the repository in your local machine.


Open your editor (ex. IntelliJ Idea) and create a new web project. Link your project to the file containing your repository and the project files will be displayed into your editor. For any modifications, create a new branch (DO NOT make edits in the master branch) and create your changes.

Deploying in your local machine

To deploy, run meteor npm install and then meteor npm run start into the command prompt. You will get a link to copy and open into your web browser. This will allow you to view any changes that you have made locally. Once you are satisfied with your changes, push your branch into Github and the changes will be checked before merging into the master branch.


To bring our application to life we used issue driven management practices through the sessh github repository. Within the repository separate projects were created based on milestones we expected to reach. Our milestones were then divided into issues divided amongst each member.

The Mox Amber team signed a contract that outlined the expectations of each member. You can view a copy of our team contract here: Team Contract.

Milestone 1

For milestone 1, our goal was to create and deploy a basic working version of our application.

You can view our project board if you would like to see how we divided our tasks.

Milestone 2

For milestone 2, our goal now is to add the functionalities that we were unable to add in milestone 1. That, and also to make our application look better in general.

You can view our project board if you would like to see how we divided our tasks.

Milestone 3

The objectives for this milestone were to build upon our work to build upon our work in milestone 2 by filling the “odds and ends” by improving the overall application look, fix remaining bugs, and finalizing the project.

You can view our project board if you would like to see how we divided our tasks.

The Team

  • Kaiwi Akioka
  • Edward Birtodaso
  • Josh Constantino
  • Waylon Ho
  • Ian Iwata

For further information about Mox Amber and our projects you can visit our github.